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Medication for Fear of flying

Lionwood Medical Practice has a practice policy that we do not issue sedative prescriptions, such as diazepam or zopiclone to alleviate symptoms that patients may experience relating to a fear of flying. This decision has been made by all our GP partners and is adhered to by all prescribers working in the practice.

Use of Benzodiazepines (and related medications) for flying
People often come to us requesting a prescription for sedative medication such as diazepam for fear of flying or to allow for sleep during a flight. There are several reasons why prescribing of these medications are not recommended:

  • Benzodiazepines are a sedative medication which cause drowsiness and can significantly reduce your reaction times. In the event of an emergency, this may impair your ability to react, concentrate and follow instructions, putting yourself and/or other passengers at significant risk.
  • Sedative medications can cause you to fall asleep, however this is an unnatural (non-REM) sleep. This means that you will not move around as much as during natural sleep. This can cause an increased risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), commonly known as a blood clot. Blood clots are very dangerous and can be fatal. This risk is increased with flights greater than four hours.
  • Whilst most people find these medicines to be sedating, their use can cause increased agitation and aggression. This can lead you to behave in a way you would not normal which can pose a risk on the plane. This could impact on the safety of yourself and those around you and could get you into trouble with the law.
  • National prescribing guidelines advise that benzodiazepines like diazepam are not recommended for use in phobias or mild and self-limiting mental health disorders.
  • In some countries it is illegal to import these drugs. They may be confiscated, and you may find yourself in trouble with local authorities if you are carrying any on arrival
  • Use of these medications increases the risk of falls and accidents

Lionwood Medical Practice will no longer be providing NHS prescriptions for diazepam or similar drugs for flight anxiety.
We understand that fear of flying is very real and can be very frightening. A much safer approach is to undertake a fear of flying course, which are provided by a number of airlines. We have listed a few of these below:

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Page published: 8 October 2024
Last updated: 8 October 2024